Monday, February 11, 2013


Yesterday, as Betty walked a step or two behind me, a man passed us and had this enormous grin on his face. When I turned around, I saw her following with eyes closed and hands reaching. She said Momma, I don't have to see you. I can follow your sense.

The unexplainable connection between mother and child.

As we have completed half of this kindergarten year and tackled tasks such as training wheel removal and learning to read, I have realized how much faith my wee child must have in her mother. Faith I will pack her lunch or read the next chapter of Indian in the Cupboard or remind her to brush. As I guide her along, she hopefully realizes how much I love her through these simple acts. They seem trivial to most mothers but truly shape our children each and every day. I am not perfect. In fact, I did not see that she left her lunch pail in the car today and so she had to eat from the cafeteria line. But I try very hard and believe she can close her little eyes now and then and still feel me there. She can trust and have faith and follow my sense.....

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