Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well, after one month at the new gig I have picked my favorite co-worker and he took the prize with flying colors. And trust me, everyone I work with is uber nice and lovely. But Ricky? Oh Ricky.

The first time I met him I thought his look seemed distant and glazed. Deer in the headlights came to mind. He's certainly young....20 maybe. Doubtful. Probably 18. I spoke to him and if he responded it was very quiet and muffled. Slow, I thought or very very shy. One month later? FIRECRACKER. For now, my office is in the back of the building where the shop is, so I get to see all of the guys come and go. This is also where Ricky works or rocks as I like to say.

Things I like about R Dogg:

Not sometimes, but EVERY SINGLE TIME he comes down the stairs, he slides on the rail. His hair is longish and it sort of catches in his fast flight. I have yet to see him walk down the steps unless his hands are full. He also stumbles at the end of the stairs sometimes when he lands which is super cute. We're not talking a step, people. He catches some serious air.

He works with the radio on full blast. No headphones and no shame. He cranks it up and I can hear him singing over all other noise in the shop through my office window.

He says funny stuff. For example, he just walked by my office and said, "Hey, watch out for carpal tunnel." I type a lot and he's dang right. THANKS RICKY!

He shocked the shit out of me. These are the people I like the most in this world. Peel an onion, there's lots of layers. Totally not conforming to what the world thinks, reminding people like me to never judge a book by its cover. Lessons. Simple lessons that happiness comes in so many capacities. Ricky is EXCITED and GRATEFUL to be in the shop singing and sawing and flitting about. My next lesson? Stair rail please.