Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I think I just about have all of my bases covered except for the damn dirty chicken. Basically, I can get everything fresh from the farmers' market ie veggies, beef, eggs, etc. The Lowes even has a few organic things and so, for the most part, I am feeding the wee one some pretty good love. But she loves chicken. Not the real stuff of course. The salty, greasy, mixed part stuff from God knows where. So yesterday I decided I would break down and buy some organic chicken. Little did I know I would have to sell my kidney on the black market to be able to afford it. Organic chicken? Homemade soap? Dirty farm fresh eggs? All natural sponges (I draw the line here)? What the heck has happened to me. I think I have been conscientious of our diets since I read Eating Animals, thanks a million Johnathan Safran Foer. But since school has started, I have gone over the deep end. Freezing okra, squash, peaches and tomatoes was just the start of it. There are three river fresh trout in my fridge as we speak. Lawd. Anyone who would pay over $20 for a dead chicken has lost their dang mind right? Right.

I don't know exactly what it is except that I FEEL GOOD. It makes me feel happy when I know I am feeding her the best I can get my hands on. Is it perfect? No. Does it really make a difference? Not sure (ask me in 5 years and if she hasn't entered hormone fed poultry induced puberty, I will say yes).  Sounds neurotic? Perhaps but maybe, just maybe, it is ok to get back to the basics. It is ok to expect more out of a meal than to just be full. I feel so fortunate to even have these options but the truth is, other than the darn bird, it's cost comparative. I won't get into statistics and the physical state of our nation or how tiny chickens used to be before they were pumped full of crap but I will say it can't hurt to buy as fresh as you can right. Right?

Oh and for the record, I put pink sponge rollers in her hair last night and this morning I hid a tiny toy Indian in her lunchbox. Good grief, I am my mother's child.......

1 comment:

Pura Vida said...

might I suggest a fish sandwich straight from Gordon's big A fry daddy with the same grease they had in 1964?