Monday, June 8, 2009


I had to go out of town last week for work and Justin was on Betty Duty. This means he was 100% responsible for morning tasks such as feeding and clothing. Mother's Day Out was closed (Thank God, I would later say under my breath) and so Justin met my mom half way and B spent the day at Poppy's house. I picked BB up that afternoon and was totally dismayed at her appearance.

The conversation between Justin and I later that evening:

Me: So what was up with BB's outfit today?
Justin: What do you mean?
Me: Her shirt was a belly shirt. It was in the too small box for a reason. She wore that shirt when she was 18 months old. She's dang near 2.
Justin: (laughing) I thought it was cute.
Me: AAAAAAAND. Her pants didn't match. AAAAAAAND her shoes didn't match.
Justin: (more laughing)
Me: (laughing) And my mom said she had like 10 baby clips all over head in random places.
Justin: You took your brush with you.
Me: There's a couple of combs here.
Justin: Where?
Me: Did you look?
Justin: I couldn't find the brush so I just used my fingers as a comb.
Me: (laughing) So what about all the clips?
Justin: I couldn't get her hair to stay down so I just put water and clips in it.
Me: (under my breath) Thank God Mother's Day Out was closed.

1 comment:

Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Oh man, I laughed so when you told me this story and I can still picture it.