Thursday, January 22, 2009


When I was pregnant, people did not hesitate to tell me how much life after baby would change. "You will never be the same again. Your body will never be the same again. You will never have sex again. You will never sleep again." For the most part it has turned out to be a load of bologna.....except for that last part. "You will never sleep again." IT IS SO VERY TRUE. I have tried everything except Ambien: Melatonin, aromatherapy, counting sheep, pushing my thoughts out of my mind with a street sweeper, and wine. The ole Kim Crawford will come through every now and then but she requires large doses and then I'm not refreshed the next morning. I'm hungover. Something has happened to my brain since Little Betty has entered this world and its favorite thing is TO BE AWAKE!!!!!! What do I think about in the wee small hours of the morning?

Is BB covered up?
This stupid ass blog.
Should I go sleep in the other room?
Is BB crying?
Why didn't I just go ahead and have another glass of wine?
Could Justin and Gunner coordinate their snoring any more?
Maybe Justin will wake up if you know what I mean.
Our bed is as comfortable as any hotel. Too bad I can't frickin go to sleep in it.
Dear God, please let me go back to sleep. Just one more hour. Pleeeeeeeeeease.
Get up, Grace! Get up and do something. You are wasting time here. GET UP!

And then as I begin to close my eyes, as I begin to doze, as I begin to dream....WAH WAH WAH WAH. The alarm. Time to get up.


Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

I know what you mean. I used to be a napper and now I can't even do that. I am always laying there wondering if she is fixing to wake up. Love you!

Unknown said...

Ok seriously...could they look any more alike?!?! hahahahaha