Monday, January 26, 2009


We are not big video game players at Casa de Calvert. The last Nintendo game I remember playing was Super Mario Brothers and Tetris. Needless to say, we don't own a Nintendo or XBox or whatever the hell is cool right now. HOWEVER, we were introduced to Wii bowling this weekend. We bowled until the Wii hours of the night on Friday. Justin stayed up even later, as he could not be defeated in a very tight tennis match. As we all crept out of bed Saturday morning, it was as if a very strong force brought us all to the living room. Coffee in hand, it was time to bowl. And again, it all began. At one point, I looked over at the clock and realized it was waaay past noon. There were four grown ass adults still in their jammies addicted to a machine and one little girl who must have thought we'd lost our dang minds. I must say she loved watching us though. She even played along with the tv remote. We did not quit bowling until after dinner that night and even suckered some friends to come join the tournament. I have been told of this crazy phenomenon over and over. I totally underestimated its strength. This game is so real it makes you feel strange not wearing old dirty bowling shoes. We changed up our form, we waved at our "fans", we bet shots of pickle juice and who would fold the laundry. As Justin and I discussed our sore shoulders and biceps the next day, we both looked at one another and said, "Wanna bowl?"

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