Thursday, April 18, 2013


WE ARE DOING IT UP RIGHT THIS TIME BY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. So operation fresh chicken eggs wasn't a complete success last go round. Let's just calling it a learning experience. This time we are combining our lessons learned with additional research, some safety precautions and a whole lot of fun. We have been selective about which breeds to purchase and choosing the perfect coop took a couple of weeks. Betty held one of the new ladies last night and we are all excited about this new approach. We have spent loads of time talking to our NUMBER ONE CHICKEN CONSULTANT about training, heating lamps, food, water, wing clipping, etc. We are also going to have some very large girls in a few months. And perhaps even a lime green egg! WE.GOT.THIS. Round 2 has commenced!!!

1 comment:

Pura Vida said...

I will be anxious to see the ladies on the forearm