Wednesday, April 3, 2013


She has been saying some pretty funny stuff lately.....

When describing a co-worker of Brian's at the bank:
"He's got black hair, glasses and he's sort of peach."

"Where do babies come from if people aren't married? New Mexico?"

"Reese (across the street neighbor) told me he liked my bike but he didn't say if he liked my moves (tricks on her bike ie riding with no hands or standing up)."

"I want a cherry rollover for breakfast."

Walking into the house one evening:

When waking her in the morning:
"Can I go back to sleep while you cook breakfast? I need to finish my dream."

When asking if she wants to play t-ball:
"What if I don't win like in soccer?"

Praying before dinner:
"Dear Lord, we are so glad we don't live on the streets."

Hearts so full......


Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Amen to not living on the streets! Love it all.

Cassie Butt Beckwith said...

Amen to not living on the streets! Love it all.