Tuesday, February 8, 2011


About a decade ago (ok not even close but it sounded good), I sat down next to a beautiful Hungarian gypsy wearing a black bandana and the biggest diamond earrings I have ever seen. “Hi(which was probably more like word, whatup or heyooooooo). I'm Liz. "Hi(which was probably more like word, whatup or heyooooooooo). I'm Grace." And it began...

You see, with Liz aka The LizBiz aka Lizzie came the introduction to a group of girls that totally rocked my world. Candace aka Hot Candace aka The Corndog, Anne aka Annie aka Lady Lawyer, Leah aka Lolly, Elaine aka The Mean Jean Green and Jess aka Jessica aka SallingFam.

Wild, crazy, sharp, sassy, lovely. Absolutely lovely. And oh boy, did we know how to have a good time. Many a Friday afternoon spent on the Golden Light Cantina Patio cold beer in hand and many a night spent dancing in barefeet to our favorite BSATBAAGB (please see video below or pic of man in speedo below whichever you prefer). AHEM. So many memories, wood carving in Spearman, lake days, wine clubs, dinner, drinking, dancing, imaginary fiddle playing, laughing and L-I-V-I-N.IT.UP. Those days are long gone now and I think we are all glad for the most part. Well, our livers are anway.

These ladies provided me with an infinite supply of life lessons. They taught me to love myself. They loved the raw, eccentric, quirky side of me. It was the beginning of Grace being comfortable in her own skin. They taught me this country bumpkin isn't all cornbread and chicken and that I have a lot to offer this big ole world. I don’t see or talk to the clan often enough. We all have crazy busy lives but I consider them my best best friends and they are always in my thoughts. I talked to The Mean Green for two hours last night about her new book. AHEM. We talked about wind energy and her grandpa in Floydada and her kickass town in SC. We didn't miss a beat. There was a bond formed between us that we all recognize and appreciate. We meet again here and there, we catch up, we chat, we miss one another and reminisce. And we remind each other how special we are……

Lady Lawyer, Missoula, MT, Attorney/Ranch Hand: Lovely, bold, dreamy, enchanting and smarter than hell.

The Mean Green, Columbia, SC, Author/Pilates Instructor: Wise, independent, fearless and smarter than hell. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_31?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=the+adventures+of+abigale+green&sprefix=the+adventures+of+abigale+green

Lolly, Tyler, TX, Foam Sales/Mommy-to-Be: Spiritual, supportive, profound, astute and smarter than hell.

The LizBiz, Galveston, TX, Marketing/Writer: Strong, unforgettable, passionate and smarter than hell. www.iheartgalveston.blogspot.com

Corndog, Austin, TX, Photographer/World Traveler: Hilarious, beautiful, kind, caring and smarter than hell. www.creativeammo.com

Jess, Amarillo, TX, BEST.MOM.EVER.: Religious, inspiring, selfless and smarter than hell. www.sallingfam.blogspot.com

Talented, wonderful, brilliant, game changers. Each one of these women have made an impact in my life and make this world a better place each and every day!

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