Friday, February 27, 2009


I feel as if I should add some clarification to my last entry....for all three of you that read this blog. Yesterday I took BB to the bakery for a cake ball (don't even ask) and then to the park. She was toddling along in front of me in her blue jeans and pink Convers sneakers. Tears came immediately. She is no longer a baby but a wee tiny little girl. And for the record, she is not a holy terror. She is a small person trying to communicate and express herself. She is developing an opinion and knows what she wants. I busted out the camera on "fit day" because she was singing so softly and sweetly to her baby. She has learned to take pictures (random of course) and wanted to do it herself, hence the angry looks below. Don't get me wrong, we have our moments and I am learning to be a better, more patient parent. But for the most part she is nothing but loving and kind. I remember thinking, a long time ago, I can never love her more than I do right now. Not true. We love her more today than ever. More than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. I often wonder how my life has been so blessed. As I type this she is behind me, playing with my hair and saying how cute mommy. Eighteen months is a whole new ballgame.

1 comment:

Kam De Leon said...

Trust me that more than 3 people read your blog. I've been watching what BB's been up to so I can see just what we're in for.

Looks like a new adventure everyday!


P.S. I really want to know what a cake ball is. Is it a cupcake?