Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Maybe in a few days or weeks or months I'll be able to put becoming a mother into words. Maybe I"ll be able to capture the feeling somehow. Maybe I'll be able to portray the first time I saw her in her daddy's arms. Maybe I can tell what a miracle it all was. But I don't think so, I just don't know if there are enough words. Love. Love is a good start.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


For the record, Justin is by no means disgustin' but I couldn't believe when I stumbled upon this:

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I do solemnly swear that I will not:

1. Wear the same outfit as my child.

2. Place a Baby-on-Board or Stick Figure Family bumper sticker on the wagon I swore I'd never drive.

3. Put my child on one of those crazy leashes.

4. Own a Dodge Caravan.

5. Carry a purse (or any bag for that matter) with my child's picture on it.