For Mattie.......
As I opened the window and glanced at my blonde baby deep in down pillows I thought of him.
There is a man who has changed my life. As of last Friday I have felt renewed and forgiven.
It is true. I posess this characteristic of wanting more, growing more and changing. I am unpredictable and often a rolling stone. It's a curse and a blessing. I seek more. I seek more within myself and often that makes my companions grow weary. Given more, expected more so I've been told. Wanting more? Wanting more is always so hard and yet it is reciprocated by this gift of giving more. To be simple. I long to be simple.
A man I know has changed my life by being simple. When asked about him and his lifestyle someone responded, "He works hard and expects nothing." Each and every week I see a steady hand wash my windshield and pump my gas. Always a kind word and a giving heart. To most pumping gas at a self serve in Spearman, Texas doesn't amount to much. To me? To me it has meant everything. My friend gives every inkling of his heart to do something he is good at. With each swipe and ticket he feels proud and vendicated. He's making a difference in someone's day one at a time.
My big home? My down pillows? My granite countertops? Nothing. Be kind. Try really really hard at what you're best at. Speak a kind word and let someone feel you care. Being a good human being is finding the depth of your heart, whatever it may be, and givng it 110%. May you be a mother or a student or a gas pumper, the impact you are capable of is all the same.
As I get into my car early each morning I think of him and how his heart has changed my day. I think about how is effort warms my heart. I think about how much he gives for so little in return. Work hard and expect nothing. Find the simplicity within yourself and expect nothing more. The love and goodness you own will shine through. It will shine through your heart and soul and make you want to write about someone elses's simplicity and triumph. It will change your day. One day at a time.