Tuesday, September 10, 2013


 Gluten free+wheat free+dairy-free+pepperoni free+cheesey goodness free=THIS PILE OF.......

To be fair, I put yummy tomato sauce and cheese on Betty's pizza crust and she LOVED it. Mine however, had olive oil, mushrooms and tomatoes. Whoop! Right? Not so much. Let's just say it wasn't a party in my mouth. After this EPIC FAIL Saturday evening, I was ready for a cheat night on Sunday. Mexican food. Chips and dips and tacos and enchiladas but Mattie talked me down off of that ledge and I'm so glad. Because today? Today I feel like a champ. I have lost 6 lbs. (not my intention from this diet and will monitor) and feel like cutting out all of the crazy sugar I eat has really helped. As Mattie said, all of that junk is an addiction. The longer I go without it, the less I want it. I am not going to omit the truth and say that I did have wine over the weekend but Paleo says that's ok (maybe not my exact serving size but I DIDN'T HAVE MEXICAN FOOD). Not perfect but a definite difference in how I feel. Stay tuned.......

1 comment:

Pura Vida said...

Makes me kind of hungry