Thursday, February 17, 2011


My stepdad is at the Capitol in Austin talking legislative banking businasssss....

My mom just left and said, "Good night. I'm going home"...

Betty is on her way to ski in Taos with her dad and could not be more excited....

I sit alone....

Several years ago my parents made an offer on a Castle that was not for sale. In fact, not for sale at all *insert offense. But now it belongs to them. It was meant to be their home. The owner of 822 knew it should be in their care. It will be their home for the rest of time. Gina has spent every waking moment of the last 48 hours making their project a place that is home. She wants B to come home to HOME. She wants nothing more than to be at home with B.

I walked in tonight and there was a tiny table set up amongst the demolition, a roast cooking and candles aglow. He will walk in tonight and never forget the effort she has made on behalf of his happiness. A bed, clean sheets, soft curtains, candlelight and a blazing fire. It is perhaps the most romantic thing I have ever encountered *insert THANK THE LAWD I NOW LIVE ALONE AT 1107.

My heart did a back flip, tears in fact. True love? The path of true love? Bumps, bruises, forgiveness, and APPRECIATION FOR ONE ANOTHER. I'm not exaggerating when I say she lit 157 tea light candles in preparation for his return *insert "It's like he's been off to war and I'm just waiting for him". Their first night together in a new home. "Doesn't it remind you of when Mary fixed up the old home for George in It's a Wonderful Life? Don't you think about the chicken cooking on the old record player? That old home that became their honeymoon?"

My parents have been on a journey, epic I would say. Breathe it all in, let it all go. They have been there.

Tonight I sit alone. My heart swelling.....knowing that it exists.

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